Community Mural
Community Mural
Side 1 of Bus
Side 1 of Bus
Community Mural Response
Community Mural Response
Side 2 of Bus
Side 2 of Bus
In an ILLS class that I was selected to be a part of, we drew inspiration from different Latin American murals and explored topics of conversation through this form of art. A local mural artist worked with our class on creating a beautiful mural about what community means to us at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University. As a class, we felt the project was not done yet. Since we were only a small group of students, we opened up a conversation with our community to see how the art would be received. In response to feedback from discussions, we created a second mural in dialog with the first. We then approached the school about publicly displaying these murals permanently on the Link buses that shuttle students back and forth between the two campuses. The school agreed it would be a good addition to campus life and these two murals now live on the bus in conversation with one another. 
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